Hey everyone,
It's John here. Just wanted to tell you a little about myself. I am in all aspects of the entertainment business. I try to be well rounded and to never close myself off to learning new things.
*Acting ( you can learn more about me and my acting credits as an actor by going to my website- below pic) *Photographer (as you know now) *Singer/ Voice over (commercial V.O. and cartoon voices. Sung on soundtracks, musicals & concerts) *Casting Director (for major TV show) *Line Producer (Sundance Film Lab Movie) *Director (Theatre/Webisodes/Short Films) *Writer (Theatre/Webisodes/Short Films)

With all my experience and working with tons of Casting Directors, Agents and Managers ona daily basis- I apply that to my photography and acting.
My goal isn't to make you look "hot" or "gorgeous". My goal as a photographer/actor is to get you "WORKING HEADSHOTS". You need shots that will get you interviews, auditions and work! "Hot" headshots can only take you so far. But "working" headshots will take you all the way!
So there.
John Brantley Cole, Jr. (acting site)

Me as a Photographer